Washington Beech
Boston Housing Authority


Washington Beech will be completely redeveloped through demolition of the existing site and the creation of a new community at a lower density and with stronger ties to the surrounding Roslindale neighborhood.

Site Plan

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Site Plan
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  • At the most prominent corner of the development, the corner of Washington and Beech Streets, will sit a mid-rise apartment building whose ground floor will provide ample space for community uses: a large meeting room, computer center, a kitchen and food pantry, offices for management, resident services, tenant association.
  • The corner building will house all of the one-bedroom apartments, appropriate for single residents and couples, including Washington Beech’s seniors who have expressed their desire for easy access to Washington Street.
  • Most of the site will be replaced by new townhouse-style homes with individual stoops and decks or private backyards appropriate for larger families with children.
  • New roads will be built to ensure that all townhouse entries will front on a street with parking nearby.
  • A half-acre park in the center of the development will provide for active and passive recreation.

In addition to the new housing to be built at Washington Beech, the full HOPE VI program includes new homeownership and rental opportunities beyond the Washington Beech site. In total, the Washington Beech HOPE VI program will create 342 new affordable housing options to replace the 266 apartments that currently exist at the site.

Boston Housing Authority
52 Chauncy Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02111
Attn: Joe Bamberg
Phone: (617) 988-4318
TDD: (800) 545-1833 x420