Washington Beech
Boston Housing Authority

“We have worked very hard as a community to develop a shared vision for the future Washington Beech...”

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Welcome to Washington Beech

Washington Beech is a public housing community in the Roslindale neighborhood of Boston that is undergoing a physical transformation through the federal government's HOPE VI program.

Built in the early 1950s, Washington Beech has been home to both long time Boston residents and newcomers, who have created a rich community that reflects our diverse cultures and shared values. In the past several years, facing mounting obsolescence and physical distress at the development, the residents of Washington Beech, our neighbors, and the Boston Housing Authority came together to develop a shared vision for the future of the community. As testament to the strength of that vision, in early 2008, Washington Beech was awarded $20 million through the HOPE VI program, (1 of only 5 awards nationwide), to undertake a comprehensive redevelopment that will represent a total public-private investment of over $100 million.

Over the coming months and years, the existing Washington Beech will be demolished and entirely reconstructed to provide modern homes and public amenities for the benefit of Washington Beech residents and the broader Roslindale community. To complement the physical transformation, HOPE VI promotes personal advancement through supportive services and community building through partnerships with agencies and civic groups.

We invite everyone to follow the progress of the redevelopment and to become active members of the Washington Beech community.

Current News

Summer 2009 Newsletter

News Item

Smoke-Free Homes

Over the summer,
151 Washington Beech families responded to a survey regarding smoke-free housing.

Boston Housing Authority
52 Chauncy Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02111
Attn: Joe Bamberg
Phone: (617) 988-4318
TDD: (800) 545-1833 x420